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CUITe Might be the Next Step Forward in Functional Automation

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Coded UI is a highly powerful module in Visual Studio which simplifies coding in terms of UI and Functional Testing.  However, Coded UI, in spite of its advantages has one major flaw – it typically generates a code which is based on recordings of manual tasks performed in the UI!

The recordings are done as per the pixels of the system and therefore difficult to decipher.

A solution to this is Coded UI Test Enhanced (CUITe) framework. This framework involves an open source Microsoft Tool called CUITe, which instead of recording the actions performed on a given UI, records the UI elements by Object ID.

How CUITE works
CUITe focuses on the PageObject Model of Automation which involves having an in-house repository for all the objects recorded from the HTML page, as below:

Advantages of CODED UI framework:

  • Easier code maintenance.
  • Zero need to change code to match UI changes (only the elements changed in UI need to be re-recorded).
  • Auto generates code with namespaces, avoiding confusion regarding which namespaces are to be included.
  • Code can be run on any system.
    (Please Note: As record and playback functions involve recording by pixel values, UI elements may not be rendered at the same pixel location on all the systems)
  • Keyword and data driven testing becomes simpler as a result of automation and users can write their own custom code instead of customizing a system generated code.


CUITe Screenshot 1


With CODED UI’s growing popularity among the development community, it is likely that CUITe might be the next step forward in Functional Automation.

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