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Flashback and Looking Ahead: What ‘Tweeples’ Said During the Festive Season?

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This New Year, Twitter saw two hashtags trending namely #bestmemoriesof2014 and #20ThingsIWantFor2015 worldwide. In order to find out what people were tweeting in the festive season, in terms of their experiences in 2014 and the emotions they were displaying, I captured and analyzed lakhs of tweets for these two separate hashtags.

The tweets for #bestmemoriesof2014 and #20ThingsIWantFor2015 were collected during different time windows on 31 December and 1 January IST when these tags were trending in the Global Top Five List.

On applying  `Text and Sentiment Analytics’ technology to this data I came up with some interesting results. Take a few minutes to walk with me through peoples’ best memories in the past year and what they wish for in 2015.



Some of the most common  words that surfaced include One Direction (British pop boy band based in London), friends, love, Putin, crush and concert.

Parsing the tweets to identify the sentiment polarity revealed that over 94% of cities were positive overall barring a few cities like Chicago which were slightly negative in overall sentiment.

Along with this, I looked at subjectivity, and the results are as follows:


Some of the most common words echoing peoples’ wishes for 2015 are hug, new phone, selfie, money, good grades and  being a good person.

Sentiment analysis for the wishes showed a mixed sentiment with 68% cities having overall positive sentiment and 25% having overall negative sentiment.


Tweets for this hashtag were more subjective as compared to the former:


P.S.- All the visualizations have been created using Tableau.


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