Today, it’s not merely about providing quality products. It’s more about innovative marketing. Companies are diving deep into creative ways to promote their brands and reaching out to prospects. With 3 million people on the internet and 2.1 billion active on social media, this particular channel is indeed creating quite a buzz. The impact of social media on business performance cannot be ignored.
In today’s dynamic environment, for businesses to sustain, relationship building is of paramount importance. Social media provides an incredible opportunity for businesses to build, sustain, and engage with customers 24*7.
How do social media help businesses become profitable?
By effectively using a mix of social platforms, brands can send across the right messages at the right time to the right group of people, thus creating brand awareness. By building relationships and communities, social media helps in forming loyal customers. Its presence gives brands a human touch. Here, brands behave as humans do and that gives them an opportunity to engage better with customers, that too on a real-time basis, and mostly without manual action.
Here we look at some strategies to get the best out of your social media:
What is the objective?
Companies need to set the goals of social media campaigns. They must identify the variables they seek to achieve—be it advertising, creating brand awareness, brand loyalty, higher conversions, etc.
Declare your presence
After setting the objective, companies need to start creating awareness. By creating social pages, posting blogs, starting communities, forums and webinars, companies can tap into potential leads, help disseminate information regarding their products, share their thought leadership, and build a network. All these go a long way in creating and maintaining brand awareness.
Choosing the best social medium platform
Companies need to devote time and effort to researching the best social platforms suited for them. For example, Facebook can be used for reaching out to a large number of people and building a community presence. LinkedIn, with its focus on jobs and industries, becomes useful for business deals. Similarly, Twitter works great for driving conversations.
Let’s talk metrics
Organizations need to invest in social media analytics to measure metrics such as likes, followers, mentions, traffic, CTR, etc. Today, sentiment analysis is also gaining ground. With the help of analytical tools, organizations can filter out useless data and use important metrics to take business-relevant decisions. The focus should be on creating business value.