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Leveraging Multiple Channels to Build Engagement in the Digital Ecosystem

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The digital decade has revolutionized the marketplace. With a plethora of products, brands, and companies, consumers indeed have the last say. And it is becoming increasingly tough for marketers to attract them. Content is weaving consumer behavior every second. With a host of channels at their disposal, consumers are depending on smartphones, laptops, and tablets to remain connected. Marketers need to continually renovate and innovate to satisfy their customers.

Leading enterprises understand the importance of keeping customers engaged. This means companies must strive to offer fresh content to their prospects and keep them informed and engaged, even as they move from one channel to the other. The need of the hour is a content management system (CMS) that offers richer and broader range of capabilities to manage and optimize visitor experience across all channels—including the web, mobile, and social networks.

Is engaging over multiple channels a must?

Over the last couple of years, the internet has undergone a mammoth change. It’s no more about just disseminating information. The demarcation between online and offline has vanished. The immersive Web 3.0 has given birth to an “always online”, more participative era. The web has become increasingly social and personalized, and smartphones are conquering the laptop and computer space.

Users sometimes log in to social networks for making purchasing decisions. Mundane advertising doesn’t excite them. They seek interesting information, visuals, and infographics. They seek personalized, coherent, consistent content and customer experience regardless of whatever channel they use. Today’s customers are smart and always on the go. They want brands to inform, engage, and excite them 24/7.

To effectively tackle this challenge of serving the audience with real-time ads and encouraging participation, enterprises require relevant tools to help get the job done. They require CMS tools that allow companies to create, manage, and deliver dynamic and targeted content across various online channels.

Features that CMS tools should incorporate:

  1. The tools should allow delivering of targeted, personalized, consistent content and services across various channels to drive meaningful conversations.
  2. It’s critical to incorporate a mobile-first strategy. The tool should leverage responsive web designing and take advantage of the capabilities of HTML5 and CSS3.
  3. The tool should allow publishing content in all channels so as to facilitate and engage in conversations across all channels.
  4. The solution should provide robust integrated web-analytics capabilities to capture feedback and measure response.


Closing thoughts

Selecting the right tool for CMS is crucial for organizations trying to engage and respond. By selecting the best-of-breed tools that combine advanced software and professional expertise, companies can manage vast amounts of content, become innovative, more agile, and deliver consistent messages across a host of channels.

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