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Tavant Warranty Systems – One for All

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Among the majority of Warranty Management Systems across industries, each one is becoming highly customized to meet only one business functionality. Although customizing a system for a product or line of business helps, the conventional approach can result in multiple instances of the same application with only minor change in operation. That does not help the system attain a just price in terms of the value it adds to an organization. So what is the future then?

Is it really possible to have a system that:
•    Can be tailored to business needs
•    Is cost-effective
•    Enables synergy between business ideas & expertise
•    Is a proven success
•    Will allow me to stop experimenting with my business continuously

The short answer is YES. But how?

Here at Tavant, we have built, nourished and enhanced our Warranty Management product offering ‘TWMS’– ‘Tavant Warranty Management System’ for the past 12 years. We have helped our customers, whose businesses started off with independent instances, to collaborate and merge into a single instance. The result that we have now is a powerful global system that houses all businesses, irrespective of their linguistic and zonal differences. It is meeting their specific demands and requirements, without costing them much for the value it is bringing, day in and day out, by easing the operations at work.

It is natural that you might be wondering as to how that is possible when all businesses never have the same requirements.

Across businesses, differences at various levels exist in terms of operation. But are businesses using TWMS compromising on system functionality or operation mode? No. We understand that every business is unique and has its own distinct operation. So we provide options in functionality. Business administrators have the option to tweak their systems as understood fit. More importantly, they are empowered to alter the course of system operations for their businesses through the system itself. If at any point a change made is found undesirable, it could be reverted.

Alright, I am beginning to like this! It is pretty similar to what we want, but how does it stand out in the crowd when every other system does exactly that? It does stand out. It is a ‘Multiple Business on a Single Instance’ system.
What’s more? You don’t pay for the whole system. You really needn’t write that big fat check to own the system. The cost would be shared between the businesses which are part of it. The council, comprising leaders who run the business, meet periodically to share their ideas and concepts on improving and automating the system further. So it is not just the cost that is shared. With it comes the synergy of expertise and knowledge from multiple experts, which I believe, is truly priceless.

Finally, I will wind up leaving you to a choice: Lose ground by competing or share an advantage by collaborating. Let’s learn to work together when it’s the right thing to do!

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