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Transforming Aftermarket Experiences: The Power of Service Lifecycle Management

The significance of providing exceptional aftermarket services cannot be overstated in today’s times as organizations strive to meet the dynamic expectations of their customers and stay competitive. Service Lifecycle Management (SLM) emerges as a powerful solution, seamlessly integrating various aspects of post-sales support to create a connected and customer-centric experience. In this blog post, we’ll […]

Blockchain – An Emerging Trend in Warranty Management


Warranty providers today are still dealing with the three critical challenges of the industry: protecting against fraudulent claims, detecting counterfeit products, and deciding on the status of coverage. Businesses are becoming increasingly complex with more vendors, dispersed manufacturing facilities, new distribution channels, and disruptive business models to make matters worse. It’s small wonder then that […]

Lifetime Warranty—a Timeless Opportunity?


Starman and his Tesla Roadster became the first automotive satellite of the sun when they were launched into space, as part of the payload, during SpaceX’s “Falcon Heavy” test flight. Based on the distance Starman has covered, the warranty on his Tesla has expired long ago. According to [i]whereisroadster.com, Starman’s Roadster has exceeded its 36000-mile […]

Re-invent Dealer Experience with AI Platform


The automotive and automotive aftermarket industries are some of the oldest and most established industries. Historically, these industries have faced less disruption than their equally-established counterparts. But aftermarket industry as a whole is drastically affected by several major disruptions, in particular, digitization, shifting competitive dynamics, and changing consumer preferences. And, unlike other sectors, it is […]

Why ‘Repeat’ Customer is the King


Post-sale services aim to create and reinforce positive brand image in the minds of customers. They are an essential component of the strategy to retain existing customers. Depending on the industry and customer demography, acquiring new customers can be 6-10 times costlier than keeping existing ones. A significant factor influencing the customer’s decision-making process is […]

How Can Salesforce Magic Transform Digital Customer Experience?


Businesses are in a constant struggle to improve agility and reduce costs. Organizations are looking to unlock the power of data for better customer management and great customer experiences to improve efficiency and increase productivity. Companies that are reluctant to put the customer first will surely strive for relevance in an increasingly competitive market. Moreover, […]

Decoding 5 Key Digital Technologies Reshaping the Agriculture Industry


According to a 2015 report from the McKinsey Global Institute, agriculture is the least digitized industry; far behind healthcare, hospitality, and construction. Conquering agricultural challenges need to break through the weakest link of the food chain by using technology, with digitization as a keystone. In recent years, technology in agriculture, which is also termed as AgTech has […]

How Mobile Solutions Can Reduce Warranty Costs


As technology advances every day, so do customers’ expectations from manufacturers. To be competitive and to survive in the market, manufacturers must provide improved solutions with lower costs. These goals can be achieved through mobility solutions.   1. Maintenance of Accurate Data Unavailability of exact product and customer information is a major challenge in the warranty industry. Mobile […]

Reasons Why Extended Warranties Are a Must


In 2016, $23 billion on protection plans and $17 billion on vehicle service contracts were spent by consumers on appliances, mobiles, electronic appliances and computers1. Extended warranties are one of the largest businesses in the U.S. How is an extended warranty beneficial to a customer and why should they opt for one? By ‘mobiles’ I think you mean smartphones, […]

Reverse Logistics Function – A Strategic Review


It’s June, the end of the planting season of the corn crop (i.e., one of the crops contributing to most of the farm incomes in the United States and our client), and a farm equipment manufacturer is loaded with a lot of warranty cases for repairs of its farm equipment. The timeline to deal with […]